Alma the Younger used his strong speaking skills to tear the church apart.

⁣”. . . He was a man of many words, and did speak much flattery to the people; therefore he led many of the people to do after the manner of his iniquities.” (Mosiah 27:8)

It seems like Alma was a natural leader.

And it seems like he was a charismatic speaker.

He was able to convince a lot of people that their parents had foolish traditions.

But then what happened a few years later?

Alma used those same strong speaking and leadership skills to unite, baptize, and convert countless Nephites as their high priest.

He convinced many people of the error of their ways!

Alma had innate, God-given talents.

But it was up to Alma how he used them.

What talents have you been blessed with?

It’s worth considering if we are using our talents for good.

Or for evil.

Or . . . are we not using them at all?

God wants us to use what we have to offer to build up the world.

He wants us to improve our local church community.

He wants us to contribute to our families.

He wants us to build ourselves up.

The talents that we have matter.

And what we choose to do with those talents matters a whole lot!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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