
I’ve been thinking a lot about that word recently.

It evokes this feeling of such great, godlike, perfect love and understanding.

Did you know that I’ve prayed for a lot of assistance recently with Barrett since he will just not let me set him down anywhere?!

It’s been testing my patience and making it really difficult to get even basic tasks done.

And then sometimes I think to myself, “Really? There are a million ways your life could be worse right now. It’s just a phase. You are a big girl and you can handle this.”

One moment, when I offered up my little sincere prayer of frustration, I just felt this overwhelming feeling of compassion.

God wasn’t judging me for being annoyed that I can’t seem to get anything done right now.

He just had…


And then I have slowly felt Him kindly and sincerely offer up thoughts to calm my mind, give me perspective, or inspire new strategies to keep Barrett occupied.

There were many reasons that God allowed three formal witnesses to the gold plates.

It followed His pattern of two or three witnesses, it literally fulfilled scripture, these three men had a desire to see them…

But I was really struck by D&C 17:4–

The Lord tells the three men to bear witness of what they see.

“And this you shall do that my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., may not be destroyed”.

Part of the reason the Lord allowed witnesses was out of pure love for Joseph.

He knew Joseph’s reputation would be attacked and picked apart for hundreds of years.

And so He lovingly allowed others to view these plates, requesting that they publicly declare what they saw, in order to keep Joseph from utter destruction.


In the big world-changing events, and in the small should-I-really-care-about-this moments, God shows loving compassion on His sons and daughters.

Where have you seen His compassion in your life recently?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. Cali, I love to read your emails. Every time I read them they give me more understanding of what I’m learning from the scriptures.
    24 years ago, our middle child was diagnosed with Learning disabilities. At that age, she could barely say a few words and we were very concerned. This news changed my life forever. I was in a lot of pain to receive the news but my conviction in my faith and what would be my new role in her life changed me forever. I decided to see everything with Faith and Hope. Many people would say that she would have a very difficult life and limitations. My husband’s and all our family sacrifices made the difference. She received the best education and support that could be offered and needed. She is now a Senior at BYU Idaho for Elementary Education. We have seen the hand of God in our lives, and in her life. We have seen countless miracles. Our Father in Heaven is always ready to give us the comfort and hope we need. Have a Blessed Week!

  2. You really do have a gift to help people understand better. Elder Bednar says “if your only hearing what’s being said, your not hearing what you need to hear and when I read the D&C lessons and your emails I hear what the Holy Ghost is saying to me. So thank you!

    1. Oh that’s one of the best compliments you could give! That’s exactly my goal– to help others make those connections and find the Spirit in their lives. Thank you so much! <3

  3. Cali, I love reading your study snippets! I look forward to them, and feel the spirit as you testify! Thankyou for all your effort to help others! It is so appreciated!! ????

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