As I was studying the Old Testament last week, I read a verse and then realized… I had no idea what I just read.

So I read it again, trying to make sure my brain was engaged.

I read it a couple more times, and realized I still didn’t fully understand what I was reading.

I get confused by the scriptures plenty of times (which is why I love digging into the research to try and learn— even though it takes a long time).

But when I don’t have the time to research and study, I am often confused by these ancient books of scriptures that were written in different generations, in different cultures, and that have often been through many translations, too.

So why would we be asked to read and study the scriptures if it can be so difficult sometimes?

Even as I read through those confusing verses recently, I had a phrase pop out to me that taught me a little gospel truth.

I know that God always prepares a way for us to keep His commandments!

Even when I’ve read through confusing scriptures…

When I haven’t understood the context…

When I feel like I wouldn’t even pass a basic comprehension test…

I’ve had phrases pop out to me that make sense and teach me a powerful personal lesson.

I’ve received personal revelation.

I’ve felt the Spirit.

When the people of Jerusalem, after they had been able to rebuild and fortify their temple, all gathered together to hear Ezra read them the scriptures, it says that the scriptures were read in a holy way, and “caused them to understand the reading.” (Nehemiah 8:8).

These people had spoken different languages, completely forgotten what had been written down, and had been exposed to other cultures and religious practices.

And yet the Spirit caused them to understand the reading.

When we have the Spirit with us, even difficult passages of scriptures can bring us the answers we need.

Being in the scriptures is so so SO essential.

Feeling overwhelmed or confused? There’s lots of ways to learn more confidence in the scriptures.

But nothing can beat having the Spirit as a companion. The understanding that you NEED in your life is always available in the scriptures when the Spirit is present.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. This verse is talking about YOU in my life and in the lives of thousands of others. You help make the principles distinct. You give us the sense of the reading and make it possible to understand so we can receive even more light and knowledge from the scriptures through the Holy Ghost. Thank you so much!

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