I was in a “blah” mood the other day.

You know those times where nothing’s actually really wrong, but nothing’s really right either?

I was just going through the motions, trying to make it to the end of the day so that I could sleep and reset myself.

I had a little thought, “Maybe read some scriptures to get out of the funk.”

And then a little later, “Maybe a Conference talk would help me out.”

But I kept pushing those thoughts to the side.

I was in a blah mood, and I just needed to survive until the end of the day.

I didn’t have the right mindset to make my brain focus on scriptures or a talk, so I just kept surviving and scrolling.

It was a long afternoon.

When Hezekiah was having a tough time, look at what he did:

“When king Hezekiah heard it, that he rent his clothes, and covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of the Lord.” (2 Kings 19:1)

What do we do during the tough times? During the weird times? The frustrating times? The overwhelming times?

Even the “blah” times?

We aren’t meant to be happy all the time, of course.

But when we aren’t happy, do we use that as an excuse to step back from God and focus on our issues, or do we use it as an opportunity to grow closer to Him?

Hezekiah was worried about battles, armies, blasphemy, and other political issues.

And he turned closer to God to find the answer.

What if we believed that turning to God really is the answer to every single problem?

No matter the issue.

Growing closer to God, whether that’s through temple attendance, reading the scriptures, praying, or whatever else works for you is always the best option.

And luckily other times I’ve made good decisions where I HAVE chosen to turn to God during my rough, blah, strange moods.

And it’s always worth the effort.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. This may seem like such a little thing to do but it’s so profound. I’m glad you shared, it’s a simple but marvelous reminder.

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