One of the worst things I have to deal with as a writer is “writer’s block.”

When I sit down to write, and my mind goes completely blank.

I write a lot of things to share on social media.

There was one time where I had a scripture that I really wanted to post about, so I pulled out my phone to write a caption.

But……. As much as I loved the scripture and wanted to share it, my mind was completely blank for what to write.

I tried to think of personal stories, other perspectives I could add…


I looked at the time and realized I only had 5 minutes left before I needed to go somewhere.

Yet, I still couldn’t think of anything!

I quickly prayed.

“Heavenly Father, help me to be able to type this post while I have the time!”

I waited a bit.

And still, nothing.

I finally gave up and moved on to my next activity.

Honestly, I was a little frustrated that Heavenly Father hadn’t helped my brain focus when I needed it the most.

Fun fact, this particular event happened in the beginning of March 2020.

When I frustratedly put my phone away, unable to access divine power to blast away my writer’s block…

I had no idea what was going to happen over the next 48 hours.

That “sickness” I had vaguely heard about on the news, completely shut the world down.

The world had changed in an instant.

And that scripture that I couldn’t write a caption about?

It took on a totally new meaning. What I had thought about writing wouldn’t have even seemed relevant. The changes in the world gave me a perspective that allowed me to write a lot of my thoughts.

Many of us have learned:

“Wherefore, brethren, seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand.” (Jacob 4:10)

I was trying to “counsel the Lord” with my bad attitude about Him not ending my writer’s block.

I was getting frustrated that He wasn’t doing what I asked!

And yet, I was missing an opportunity to hear His real message to me.

Maybe He was trying to calm my heart and let me know that my writer’s block was a blessing that would make sense in a few days.

Maybe He was gently urging me to become more humble.

Maybe He was prompting me to move to a different task.

What messages might you and I be missing right now?

What answers are we waiting for so loudly that we unintentionally miss the Spirit’s calm voice? 

“We ought not to think of God’s plan as a cosmic vending machine where we (1) select a desired blessing, (2) insert the required sum of good works, and (3) the order is promptly delivered.” – D. Todd Christofferson

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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