The longest chapter in the Book of Mormon is about Heavenly Father trying to save an olive tree in His vineyard. ⁣

Even though this lengthy allegory’s interpretation covers the entire earth and thousands of years, and could take hours of dissection and analysis…

I want to focus on what we can learn about God.

What does He do in this allegory of an olive tree?

“And it came to pass that the master of the vineyard went forth, and he saw that his olive-tree began to decay; and he said: I will prune it, and dig about it, and nourish it, that perhaps it may shoot forth young and tender branches, and it perish not.” (Jacob 5:4)

God wants to save.

He wants to save me!

He wants to give me as many chances as He possibly can.

He will not give up on me.

He will graft, prune, and dig.

Which is very arduous work.

But He is willing to do on my behalf.

He will help me get nourishment.

He’ll weep when I do not produce good fruit.

He’ll rejoice when I do!

As Elder Kearon so eloquently put, “God is in relentless pursuit of you.”

The allegory of the olive tree can be so overwhelming and complicated to dissect all at once.

But this allegory becomes so special and personal when we look at what we can learn about the nature of God.

It shows the great lengths that He will go, out of love, to save each person.

You are worth saving!

You are worth Heavenly Father’s time, effort, and attention, even more so than the olive tree.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. Oh how your thought touched my soul as I was reading it. I have been struggling with the preparation of this lesson, and kind of knew I was to focus on the essence of it, the heart of this allegory, not so much the understanding of the complexe analysis as you mentioned. I was also feeling a great discomfort in spirit and heart due to some hard trials I have just been facing lately. As I read your message, I felt so touched by the compassion of the Savior which created a tsunami of tears, and helped grieve finally. It relieved a huge weight off my heart. So you are totally with it, we need to focus of the mercy, and the great concern the Lord feels towards all of us, each and everyone of us. Thank you for giving me peace about how to present this lesson.

  2. This is remarkable doctrine! Thank you for your inspired perspective ❤️ I needed to read that today.

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