Arizona has the best monsoons in the summertime!

But not every monsoon is exactly the same.

If you’ve never experienced a monsoon in the desert, it’s always a surprise what kind of storm you will get!

Sometimes the monsoon starts with a big dust storm, lowering visibility and covering everything with a thin layer of dirt.

Other times, the wind is intense, uprooting trees and flipping trampolines. (Ask me how we know that!)

And other times, the rain seems never-ending, flooding parks and creating rivers down streets.

Now let’s talk about spiritual monsoons.

In our spiritual lives, we know storms are unavoidable.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches that the rain will come, the floods will rise, and the wind will blow, no matter what.

But just like monsoons each come with their own unique signature, our trials each have their own flair as well.

Sometimes, we’ll have more rain where trials keep pouring in.

Other times, the wind will blow, making it hard to stay focused on the gospel.

And other times, the flood waters rise, almost suffocating us with competing priorities.

Sometimes we have bigger and scarier intense storms that pass in a flash.

Other times we have storms that brew for a long time.

But we all have them! ⁣

The difference, of course, is Christ. ⁣

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” (Matthew 7:25)

We can go through hard things with Him or without Him.

We don’t need to lose faith just because the storm comes; He said it would.

But Jesus will love us and help us grow through it.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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