I heard this question this past weekend, and it made my heart drop a bit.

Because on the one hand, I want my home filled with peace.

I want everyone to be kind and loving, I want smooth routines, I want a clean kitchen at night…

I want peace and calm.

But— am I seeking after peace…

And instead sending a message of: “you better not have any sins or weaknesses that rock the boat”!

Life needs to be messy.

My kids need to make crazy mistakes.

My husband needs to have a bad day.

I need to battle with my weakness.

So is my home a safe place for all this messiness?

Are we allowed to change?

Is repentance openly embraced?

Or do I try to sweep it under the rug, adding shame and secrecy to the list of problems?

When we have done something wrong, no matter how trivial or how serious, and we approach the Lord with humility, we are NEVER met with shaming.

We are never pushed down, avoided, or made fun of.

In fact, the Lord taught Oliver and David exactly what He does in Section 18, verse 13:

“How great is his JOY in the soul that repenteth!”

The Lord is joyful when He hears that we want to change!

He allows us to feel the consequences of our actions and to learn from our mistakes, but He is ready to look forward.

So… am I making my home a place where people are comfortable making mistakes?

Is shame part of my parenting strategy?

Are confessed sins met with hostility or greater love?

Does everyone feel comfortable communicating honestly?

Do I feel like I will be judged for my weaknesses or do I try to hide them from the people I love most?

Are we harder on ourselves and our loved ones than the Savior of the world is?

Food for thought today.

Is my home a safe place for change?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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