I remember volunteering for a community cause a few years ago.

I honestly didn’t think too much of what I was doing.

But while I was volunteering, something took my by surprise.

In a very mundane moment during my volunteering, I felt completely overwhelmed with the Spirit.

Like, it still remains in my personal top ten list for spiritual moments.

I felt a strong impression that what I was doing, while it didn’t seem “spiritual,” was actually a really good thing my Father in Heaven wanted me to do.

Twelve-year-old Jesus taught His parents a beautiful lesson about His primary purpose on earth.

When Mary and Joseph found their son talking with and listening to the doctors in the temple, Jesus said,

“Wist​ ye not that I must be about my ​​​Father’s​ business?”⁣ (Luke 2:49)

Our “Father’s business” certainly does not only look like serving a full time mission or preaching about the scriptures.

(Although those are great!)

What other good things can we do with our time that might contribute to our being about our Father’s business of bringing light and truth and progression toward all of His children?

I have found spiritual confirmations while getting a good education.

While caring for family members.

While excelling at work, having quality family time, and strengthening my talents.

“Throughout His life our Savior showed us how to use our agency. As a boy in Jerusalem, He deliberately chose to ‘be about [His] Father’s business.’” —Robert D. Hales

And I think it’s important to consider what it looks like to NOT be about our Heavenly Father’s business, too.

What is wasting my time?

What is distracting me from the important stuff?

What is driving the Spirit away?

I don’t always need to be going to church or listening to the scriptures at every moment in my life.

But whatever I choose to do, I hope my Savior can see that I am always trying to be about my Father’s business.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. This was a great reminder of being about our Father’s business in whatever we are doing and wherever we find ourselves. My wife and I are just finishing our 18 month mission and graduate from full time to lifetime missionaries. Thank you again for the reminder the “business” of the Lord is ever present.

    1. I love the concept of graduating from full time to lifetime missionaries! It’s something we should all strive to become 🙂

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