I made a huge connection recently.

Almost every time that I get really frustrated with my kids, it’s because I’m trying to do something else at the same time.

I’m trying to make dinner, but they keep needing me to open and close colored markers every single second.

I’m trying to text back a friend, but they need help getting in and out of dress up clothes.

I’m trying to read an article I saw online, but they keep getting into an argument with each other.

When I’m completely focused on being with my kids and not trying to do anything else, everything is so much better.

I’m able to be in the moment with them.

I catch and stop the arguments before they even start.

I’m happy to help them because I see the needs that they have.

Now, the conclusion isn’t to just be 100% focused on my kids’ desires constantly, because that is not realistic in life!

But I have been intentional in trying to create more moments throughout the day where I am completely focused on them.

Not trying to do something else at the same time.

No multitasking.

Just focused on them.

As we finish our three week study of the Psalms, I can’t help but notice the spiritual connection, too.

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)

Praising the Lord requires putting away the to-do list.

Pushing back my mortal exhaustion and distraction.

Valuing connection over productivity.

So I’ve also been trying to make more one-on-one time with the Lord.

Completely focused on Him.

Feeling awe and reverence and respect.




With nothing else going on.

It’s difficult.

It’s not easy to choose to do something that will not get me any closer to a cleaner house, a more organized life, or a shorter to-do list.

But it’s always worth it. It’s beautiful. It’s connecting.

It’s divine to praise the Lord.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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