My favorite leaders haven’t been the ones who have pulled off the most perfect events.

My favorite leaders haven’t always been the most organized.

My favorite leaders haven’t necessarily made the best executive decisions.

My favorite leaders haven’t always been the smartest.

My favorite leaders HAVE strengthened me.

They’ve known me.

They’ve cared about me and reached out to me.

They’ve taught or presented or trained on things that I really need to learn in order to become a better person.

The focus isn’t on them.

The conversation is always on others.

I’ve had bishops, relief society presidents, and young women leaders who have strengthened me.

I’ve had bosses, principals, and team leads who have strengthened me.

I don’t know that everyone agrees that this is what makes a good leader.

But to me, it makes sense.

The ultimate, real, true purpose of us being here on earth isn’t to learn how to become the most efficient person we can possibly be.

It’s not to become that leader with all the charisma and fame.

It’s not to lead the biggest empire.

It’s to love God and then to love others.

It’s to take the strength we get from knowing our standing with God and to turn that around and spread it to others.

It’s to teach and build and share.

It’s real servant-leadership. 

It’s the type of leadership Jesus Christ showed while He walked the earth. 

Real leaders strengthen others.

Who has been a leader who has strengthened you? I want to hear about them, or pass this message onto them to let them know the impact they’ve had. 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. She was my VT partner when I was a newer member. I learned how to fulfill this stewardship from her! She is still amazing as she leads in love, duty and real compassion. She has also been my VT/ministering person. I sm so grateful for her leadership in my life!!

  2. This message touched my heart and was something that I apparently needed to hear. Thank you so much Cali, for your inspired messages and your sacrifice to do what you do. Love you!


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