I was an EFY counselor for a summer, and I was prepping for a lesson I had to give on Friday of that week.

By Friday, I had gotten to know the girls in my group extremely well, but I was still a little nervous about this lesson.

I mean, I had taught them tons of times by that point, but I felt the weight of this particular lesson for some reason.

I prayed a lot and pondered a lot, and eventually I had a story pop into my mind to share and center my lesson around.

Friday came, and it was a beautiful experience. The Spirit was felt, girls opened up about their feelings, and I knew that I had followed the promptings of the Spirit.

The next week came, and I felt so excited for Friday’s lesson that time! I had the thought to re-plan my lesson, but I pushed it aside, because the previous week had been so successful.

Friday came, and I taught the lesson the same exact way.

And it was a total flop. I didn’t feel the Spirit, I could tell my girls weren’t feeling it, and I just felt confused.

Until the Spirit quietly reprimanded me:

“I am not a calculation.”

I’ve thought about that moment a lot.

The Spirit will not always tell us to do the same things.

It isn’t some exact calculation that tells us that if we sing this hymn, or read this scripture, or tell this story, or conduct our meetings in this exact way, we will automatically bring the Spirit.

Some of us might be in leadership or teaching callings right now that require us to constantly ask for the Spirit’s guidance on how to fulfill our assignments.

But I also thought about my role as a mother. As a wife. As a daughter of God.

Am I clinging to, “This is how it worked for me in the past, so I’m going to keep doing it!”?

Or am I constantly relying on the Lord to teach me through His Spirit how to best study my scriptures TODAY?

How to best pray, how to teach my children, how to grow my marriage, how to serve others… today?

Because I think it changes all the time.

Effective scripture study today looks a whole lot different to me than it did 2 years ago.

And that’s just fine.

So my reflecting question is – am I guessing I know exactly what the Spirit wants me to do?

Or am I waiting for His constant recalculation?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



14 Responses

  1. Thanks for your words of wisdom and love. You are a positive influence in my life and I love you for it, ❤️

  2. I am grateful for this message today. I teach Gospel Doctrine and last night a leader asked if I would mind giving my lesson twice in a row. One for our Gospel Doctrine class and one for the youth Sunday School class. Wait. I don’t think I can give the same lesson to them. But I will pray for the spirit to help me alter the lesson as needed to teach the youth what the Lord wants them to hear.

  3. I love these contemplation. One of my favorite sections in the D&C instructs us how to conduct Sacrament meetings through the Spirit. It’s very similar to Moroni’s. I love that we are loved and trusted so much by Heavenly Father that we’re able to follow the Spirit’s guidance just for us and our families.

  4. Thank you! I look forward to your always insightful and mind expanding comments, infused with love, which intensify the spirit.????

  5. This reminds me of a few years ago when I taught the Marriage Enrichment class (I think that’s what it’s called). The first time we were serving in a small military branch filled with young couples with little children. The class was a huge success and we had standing room only. The second time I taught, we were back in our assigned ward and the class consisted of couples who had been married for years, empty nesters, couples on second marriages, etc. I tried to do what had worked before and it was a total bust. Our numbers got smaller and smaller with each class until it just petered out. Lesson learned.

    1. Such a great insight for this lesson. You must have been such a blessing to all those young couples when they really needed some guidance for their marriages and families.

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