I walked in the temple doors with a heavy feeling in my chest.

This was going to be the day I finally got my answer.

This was a couple of years ago, and my husband and I had been trying to make a decision about buying our first home.

We had found a house.

I had a lot of reasons I didn’t want to move there.

A lot.

It was a great list that I kept repeating over and over in my head, almost like proof to Heavenly Father for why He should tell us not to purchase this home.

And as we sat in the sealing room for some proxy sealings, I silently told God that I was ready for an answer about the house.

I anticipated needing to wait and ponder for a while, but the answer came immediately, quietly, and forcefully.

“I already told you. I already spoke peace to your heart. Trust what I told you before.”

And my mind was brought back to the first time I had prayed about this house.

I really felt like we should move there, but I started coming up with my list of “why nots”.

That had been my answer.

I already knew deep down.

I was trying to force an answer that He wasn’t going to give, and He so lovingly brought my mind back to the night when He had already responded.

I think of sweet Oliver Cowdery, who wanted some confirmation that he was doing the correct thing by helping out this Joseph, who many seemed to think was delusional.

And the answer Oliver got?

“If you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.

“Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?” (D&C 6:22-23)

Today, I embark on the final year of my twenties.

And I know that God answers prayers.

If you want to try this out for my birthday today, I invite you to ask God a specific question that has been in your mind, and then read your scriptures.

He might bring to your mind an answer that you didn’t even realize you already had.

Or He might get the message to you in the myriad ways that only He can.

But God answers prayers.

And that is the greatest gift of all!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



20 Responses

  1. Happy birthday. I really enjoy your daily posts. They help many times when I am struggling with an issue in my life. I do have a question and I will try this method through prayer to receive an answer.

  2. Happy Birthday. I can’t believe you are so young. Your wisdom and understanding of the scriptures is wonderful and I really enjoy your day to day examples of how these scriptures apply to our lives. I am learning so much from you. Thank you.

  3. Happy Birthday????, I like you have struggled with the house situation. This week, I have prayed for guidance. I’m living in a home I own 50% of. It’s 110 years old, I’m on a fixed income with no end in sight for repairs. I don’t have contact with the other owner yet we live a laundry room apart. I’m isolated and in a very small Branch. When I finally ask Father for guidance it was “be patient, I know your needs”. When I stopped actively trying to find my perfect home I was calm. Heavenly Father does know our needs sometimes it ” I have better things coming”.

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your special day! Thank you for all you offer to us through your time and testimony!

  5. Hi Cali,
    Happy Birthday! Hope you were spoiled! Love all your authentic, relatable insights and applications of the scriptures!! I often write them down in my journal editions of the scriptures with your name. Someday someone’s going to wonder who this Cali Black was that I quoted so much! Lol!! Keep em coming!

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