Every time I upgrade my cell phone, I feel like I have the most incredible new gadget in the world!

It looks so sleek, and whatever the new features are seem incredible.

The camera quality seems noticeably sharper.

I just want to show my new phone off to everyone!

…And then fast forward a month, and it’s all changed.

It doesn’t seem quite so special or exciting anymore.

It seems like every other phone I’ve had.

I even get a little bit frustrated when the app doesn’t load as quickly as I am now used to.

I’ve lost all the “awe” I had with my phone.

Look at how the shepherds reacted after seeing baby Jesus:

“And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.” (Luke 2:20)

They had come with great speed.

But they left in awe, worshiping Jesus!

Do we find that same kind of awe and joy in the Savior?

It’s tough.

When life gets serious and challenging, it’s hard to remember.

Everything seems like such a big, weighty deal.

But every once in a while, I remember that having the ability to worship my Savior should fill me with so much happiness and joy!

It’s happy! It’s light!

It is worth praise and joy!

It is glorious to be able to worship!

How can you still find ways to be in “awe” of Jesus?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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