Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

D&C 81-83

The greatest good

What’s the greatest good you could be doing right now? How could you make the biggest impact for good on others that you possibly can?

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D&C 64-66

Small things at church

My kids kept me from serving and connecting with people at church yesterday. I started having a conversation with someone and I really wanted to

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D&C 63

What matters most

I was REALLY excited to serve someone recently. I’ve been trying to serve others more often, so the opportunity popped up and I quickly volunteered!

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D&C 60-62

The easy way home

It was time to head back home. The group of missionaries, with Joseph at the helm, had finished their short stay in Missouri and were

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D&C 51-57

Being planted

Let me tell you about Quin’s primary teacher. My daughter Quin turned 3 last year, which means she is brand new to the primary organization

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D&C 46-48

I would rather not do it

This is one of my FAVORITE little church history stories. Oliver Cowdery was called on his mission to the native tribes west of Missouri, and

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April 2021

Be what you needed

It’s frustrating when you are going through a trial, and no one seems to offer any help. I’ve been there. It’s rough. But I’ve also

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D&C 6-9

Desires and goodness

“You aren’t being called into the bishopric because you are perfect. “But you are being called because the Lord knows you are willing to serve.

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