Would you eat one marshmallow now or two marshmallows if you had to wait until later?

I can already tell you that one of my kids would choose to wait for the two marshmallows.

And the other would gobble up the first one before I even finished the question. 

Let’s consider this famous marshmallow experiment in the spiritual sense.

Has it ever seemed like people who are not members of God’s covenant church have a lot of good things going on in their lives?

Of course, there are amazing people who are not members of the covenant who are still building up the kingdom of God in good, righteous, amazing ways.

But even the people who deliberately choose evil or purposefully break covenants can often seem super happy, successful, rich, and indulgent.

When that happens, I think a part of us goes, “huh.” ⁣

But Christ has told us that this is what happens!

People do “find happiness” in things other than the gospel.

Not lasting peaceful joy, but some immediate happiness.

And in Matthew 5:12, Christ teaches:

“Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven.”

Are we “spiritually mature” enough to not need the greatest of our rewards RIGHT NOW?

Can we wait and endure?

Can we be okay with being persecuted and poor if that is part of our path?

Can we find joy and peace along our journey, no matter what we may encounter?

If we can endure some time right now looking at the marshmallow that others are enjoying, then later we can receive unspeakable rewards in heaven!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Cali,do you go on instagram ,my facebook was hacked so i dont get the podcosts and what we are reading each week. If my chance email the link orherthan facebook
    wouldbe great.? Any questions e mail me ,Thaks Cail

    1. You can sign up for my email list on comefollowmestudy.com to get all of my Study Snippets in your inbox, or follow me on Instagram @comefollowmestudy

  2. I’m an old guy of 66 who simply loves your daily reflections and insights, including today’s of the marshmallows. Thank you for serving all of us!

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