Lehi traveled through darkness for several hours.

He was in a dark and dreary waste.

He had followed an angel in a white robe, but now he was in total darkness.

Wandering for hours.

Can you imagine?

Maybe you can.

You KNOW you are supposed to be here. Something good brought you here.

But now, darkness. The heavens have closed. There’s no happiness. No peace. Just dreariness.

For hours.

Why? What was the point of bringing me here to this wasteland of darkness and nothingness? I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do?

Lehi prayed. He prayed unto the Lord that he would have mercy on him. What a desperate but humble prayer.

He DIDN’T ask why. He DIDN’T complain. He DIDN’T accuse God of anything.

He just asked for mercy.

Asking for mercy shows the ultimate understanding of our true relationship with God.

The abandonment of all entitlement.

True humility.

And after this prayer of mercy? The field and the tree. A clear path to true happiness.

Happy Studying.

-Cali Black



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