I participated in a speech contest when I was in high school.

And I ended up going pretty far!

I honestly learned a lot in the process of just competing.

I learned the best structure for captivating speeches.

I knew to start with an interesting hook.

To switch my tone of voice often.

To balance lighter anecdotes with heavy, straightforward points. ⁣

And then I got a formal teaching degree.

And now I truly enjoy giving talks in church and teaching lessons.

I feel pretty confident in “how” to do it, at least in the way it is formally taught.

But that doesn’t make me more qualified to teach a Sunday School lesson than anyone else.

Paul said, “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” 1 Corinthians 2:4

⁣in other words, the best way to preach is not the way that professionals can teach us about how to teach.

The best way to teach is to teach WITH THE SPIRIT.

Isn’t it cool that everyone, from prophets to members of our congregation, doesn’t need any formal “speech” training to change lives through the Spirit?

We don’t pick our local bishop based on who gives the best sermons.

We don’t have a competition for who is good enough to speak at General Conference.

Because we don’t NEED someone who is entertaining or well-educated in order to learn about Jesus.

The professional training doesn’t qualify anyone for the work.

What matters is whether or not we teach and preach and testify WITH THE SPIRIT.

So the next time you are nervous to teach a lesson, bear your testimony, or share that spiritual thought, trust that God can make amazing things happen through humble people who are willing to access the Spirit of God in their lives.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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